Copper is governed by the Planet Venus under the sign of Taurus and Libra and the day Friday. Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, art, balance, harmony and peace. The character of the planet and goddess Venus is passive, receptive, magnetic, feminine, relating, adaptation to the other one, kindness and gentleness, and enjoyment. Taurus represents the sensual part of Venus, while Libra is focused on relating/connecting persons and subjects.
Medical astrology calls the skin, the kidneys, the veins and the pancreas Venusian body-parts. The female body needs more copper during pregnancy. The metal copper has a great connecting power: it easily combines with other metals and it easily transfers warmth and electricity (think of the copper in electricity wires).
Copper is used in rituals, spells and amulets to promote love, sensuality, friendship, positive relationships of any kind, negotiations and peace and is primarily a conductor and bridge in many ways and can be used to draw away negative energy
ZINC is associated with the Planet Uranus under the Sign Aquarius. Uranus is connected with renewal, moderation, revolution, originality, progressivity. The god of heaven and cosmos Uranus granted man the divine flame (electricity, intuition, sudden insights) and the feeling for cosmic rhythms. In fact Uranus gave man cosmic consciousness, and in the realization of each and everyone having a divine core ...freedom, equality and brotherhood were born. Zinc is used in rituals, spells and amulets promoting originality, relying on flashes of insight, renewal, inventions, advanced technics (computer, space-ships), cooperation within a like-minded group, humanism, freedom, moving out of stress.
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